(Bifogad fil)
Anna kommer från Pskov i Ryssland. Hon skriver så här angående vad hon tänker lära oss:
"The first stage of our lessons will be devoted to the learning of one of the ancient methods of icon painting. The essence of this method is using a tonal drawing and glazes (transparent layers of paint) in contrast to the later method that implies the application of the first rather dark tone and subsequent multilayer brightening. This method was used in Byzantium and early Russian icon painting. A bright example illustrating this method is the icon "Angel with Golden Hair", created in 12 century (now in the State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg).
Second stage of our lessons will be devoted to the oil gilding (with using the mixtion). A feature of this gilding is the ability to use on a wide variety of surfaces including metal, stone, ceramics and the possibility of its use both inside the buildings and in the open air. The training involves an individual approach to each participant. “
Anna Kudriavsteva.
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Arja Lahti Persson 070-219 26 41,
Åsa Granström 070-222 67 65
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